Trademark Renewal
Home Trademark Renewal
Registering the trademark is not enough; you also have to renew it with time, to maintain your legal hold on that. If you forget to do, you’ll lose all the authorization or legal protection that comes from that. NMS & Associates offer services of Trademark Renewal In Delhi. Trademark will show the uniqueness of your brand and in an order to protect it, you should keep its expiry date in your mind and renew it timely.
Procedure For Renewal Of Trademark:
It can be done in two different ways, have a look to know about them.
- Firstly, you can apply renewal to any changes any sign or words in the existing trademark.
- Secondly, you can apply without making any changes.
Documents Required For Online Trademark Renewal:
- You need to fill an application form TM – 12
- Copy of renewal fee payable
- Power of attorney (Rs 100 stamp paper)
- Documents showing the use of the trademark
- Documents showing the expiry date
How Do We Help With Trademark Renewal Services In India?
- Expert Consultation: Share your requirements with our experts and get their guidance that eases your process and saves your time and efforts.
- Prepare Action: After completing the discussion, we will prepare an application to file for the process of renewal that shifts your load of doing it so.
- Renewal Filing: After getting your consent and arranging the documents required with the form, we file the renewal for further processing.
So, call us or get in touch with our experts directly from the website.