Trademark Registration
Home Trademark Registration
NMS & Associates is counted among the trustworthy service provider of Trademark Registration In Delhi. We help out our client’s right from the beginning of the Trademark Search, Application Form, and Registration to final approval. We are a customer-oriented firm and our focus is on attaining their satisfaction by serving professional assistance.
Benefits Of Trademark Registration:
- Exclusive Rights: It’ll give the proprietor right to the exclusive use of the particular sign, symbol, logo or name.
- Intangible Property: You cannot deny the fact that a trademark is an intangible asset of your company, which offer great returns in the future.
- Improve Your Reputation: Having a trademark will win the faith of the customer for your products and services, which may enhance the goodwill of your company.
Trademark Registration Process:
- Trademark Search
- Trademark Filing
- Trademark Application Allotment
- Trademark Examination
- Trademark Journal Publication
- Trademark Registration
Documents Required For Completing The Process:
- Copy of Logo (Optional)
- Signed Form-48
- Incorporation Certificate or Partnership Deed
- Identity Proof of Signatory
- Address Proof of Signatory
- Documents can be varied for different clients.
Want To Consult TM Registration Consultants In India?
Contact us today; we help to Register Your Trademark. We have experience that helps our clients and speed up their process.